How to resell digital products? What permissions for PLR, MRR, RR, PU?

Private Label Rights, Digital Content, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Resell Rights, Master Resell Rights, Personal Use Rights, PLR

Perhaps you recall my previous discussion about launching a digital goods marketplace not too long ago. Since the recording of the last video, I have added a small feature to the marketplace. Sellers are now able to provide information on their accepted payment methods and shipping options. This measure is intended to prevent the marketplace from accumulating funds and storing digital files, thus reducing the risk of being targeted by hackers. Additionally, it simplifies the taxation process should the need arise in the future.

Today’s article serves as a continuation of the story surrounding the creation and growth of the digital goods marketplace. Once the marketplace was established, the question of what to sell naturally arose. While I possess significant expertise in software development, such projects often require ongoing client support and maintenance. Therefore, I took to Google for inspiration. One area that piqued my interest was the transfer of copyright ownership for digital products, such as ebooks, audio recordings, and videos.

I soon discovered that there exist legal avenues for reselling someone else’s digital content. One such avenue is through the use of Private Label Rights (PLR) for content. By purchasing the rights to modify and, in many cases, claim ownership of pre-existing materials, PLR can save time and effort in creating new content. Although PLR products are not genuinely private label rights content, buyers may use them for internal purposes or resell them for profit.

Recently, articles have surfaced regarding Amazon’s venture into reprinting books with identical plots, distributed through Private Label Rights. This allows anyone who acquires a PLR book with a specific plot to publish the same book under a different title or cover. This gave me an insight into how certain books or courses are created.

Despite this, the benefits that authors who offer their content under Private Label Rights have are still unclear to me. If anyone has a better understanding of this matter, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

This article in video:

Several websites sell this type of content, either individually or through a subscription. It’s worth noting that some of the content being sold is identical across different marketplaces.

It’s important to recognize that there are various types of rights available, such as Master Resell Rights (MRR), which does not allow editing and prohibits the sale of a resale license. Personal Use (PU) restricts usage to the purchaser only and cannot be gifted or resold. Resell Rights (RR) do not permit editing but can be resold as a finished product without the right to resell, and the source of the original purchase should remain unchanged.

Private Label Rights, as previously mentioned, serve as the foundation for my future endeavors in digital content sales.

Websites selling digital content have different membership rates. Despite my lack of understanding regarding digital content, I chose the site with the most affordable membership to explore further. However, most of what is being sold appears to be low-quality material that might only be profitable with good marketing. Even then, negative feedback at the point of sale cannot be ruled out.

Upon purchasing a membership on one of the sites, I stumbled upon a fascinating discovery. The structure of the site enabled me to download the entire database of goods programmatically. After putting together a small script, I was able to retrieve the entire product database, despite the fact that my server only had 30 gigabytes of free space.

As a result of some experiments, I was able to obtain about 7,000 products that have potential for resale, with 1,500 of them having Private Label Rights. This means that I can modify them as needed, possibly for use in future videos. For a small fee, I will showcase the most interesting items under my profile on the digital goods marketplace I created.

Additionally, there a file with general information on the available PLR content in the video description. Anyone who comments before my next video will have the opportunity to obtain an archive of any content from the list for free.

As I was perusing sites that sold PLR content, I came across an interesting project that could aid in email marketing. Be sure to subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date and not miss out on the video about this project in the future.

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